(Forrest) you and I got up around 6:00 and headed downstairs.  Daddy had already gone to work.  Your sister was laying sideways at the bottom of the bed sound asleep. I struggled in the night to get you settled and daddy ended up dancing you to sleep and then you ended up sleeping on his chest which gave me a chance to catch some sleep. Even though you're the cause of my lack of sleep you are such a beautiful little ball of love &  I jwill happily stay up with you all night just staring at your sweet face, giving you kisses, and breathing you in, you still have that sweet newborn smell. 

(Nixie ) you stumbled downstairs with your cute little sleepy face at 6:35 and hopped into my lap and asked if you could have booby.  I asked if you were feeling any better and you said you were,  the last couple of days you've been a bit under the weather with the beginnings of a cold, you still sound pretty congested. Once you were finished all your attention went to Forrest and you wanted to show him his new puzzles and baby toys that were passed on to us by one of our friends. You love to tell Forrest how much you love him, telling him,  "I love your belly,  your toes,  your face" while endlessly kissing him and doing forehead to forehead. 

Around 8:30 we had our usual morning video chat with daddy, you've been finding it a bit hard with him being back at work and being able to see him this way in the mornings seem to help and make you super happy!

Forrest ended up doing a big vomit of his entire breakfast and it went all over him and his little chair/lounger and you immediately began to gag,  you really struggle with not wanting to throw up yourself!  I went and put everything into the washing machine and when I came back you had already fixed his bed with a new blanket,  you really are such a great help! 

While I was feeding Forrest you had gone into the kitchen to make "dinner" I found you cutting up basil saying you were also going to add gherkins to your dish, you said you were a master junior home cook and that you were making me a very special dish...I just love your little obsession with Master Chef Junior and I'm so lucky to get to try all your amazing creations! Afterwards you grabbed my phone to take photos of your dish and then your brother,  you've been really into taking photos lately, I think it's time we get you a proper camera! 

After we finished some chores (feeding the tadpoles,  putting away the blow up bed from when our friends were here,  doing some laundry and a bit of tidying) we had made plans with some of our favourite people in the world to head to the woods for a picnic, we decided to just meet on the bus (since I'm still waiting on my licence and we no longer all fit in her car) and decided on catching the 10:44 bus. This was the first time I had attempted the bus with both of you and I found myself quite frazzled trying to get us all ready,  it's not like London where you just leave your house when you're ready and wait for the always appearing buses,  here there is only one bus an hour! Somehow I managed to get us all ready and to the bus stop in time,  you insisted you wanted to be in the buggy, which is unlike you but it's another thing since your brothers arrival that you've been wanting again. You sometimes get a bit sad that he gets to be carried in the wrap and you don't. 

Our beautiful friends Elina,  Levana & Zoryan got on the bus at the stop after ours.  You were so happy to see them,  Levana was asleep in her buggy and Zoryan was asleep in his wrap just likeyour brother.  You immediately declared you wanted to sit next to Elena,  you just love her so much!  We got off the bus at Holland's Wood campsite (it's so nice there when it's closed for the season)  and headed to our home away from home to set up our picnic. You are already super excited for camping season to start and you loved being in your old stomping ground. I had brought your waders with us but you refused them and said you didn't want to play and that all you wanted was to sit on the blanket and have our picnic. Baby Zoryan was crying and you immediately rushed to him and placed your hand on his chest,  you love trying to help make all the babies better,  he's only two months older than your brother. You were definitely not feeling 100% and whenever you're in this state you have this uncanny ability to become extra defiant.  For me it becomes a time of choosing my battles. After you had a bit to eat,  you were super excited to begin tipping logs over to see what you could find underneath, and you found lots and lots of worms and were super excited to show Levana (she seemed quite intrigued by them). You couldn't get enough of running around and jumping off of logs and eventually ended up wanting to explore the water.  Once again I asked you if we could put your waders on,  that you'd be able to have a lot more fun without having to worry about getting wet and cold but you said no and promised me that you wouldn't get wet or cold.  It wasn't long after this conversation when you went into too deep of water after I had warned you it was too deep and ended up taking your trousers and underwear off. You looked absolutely freezing and had goosebumps all over your body but you were still trying to convince us that you weren't cold and refused to put new clothes on telling us you were fine with just wrapping yourself up in my sweater. 

Sadly our time in the woods ended up being cut a little bit short as Levana wasn't feeling well and ended up being sick a couple of times & this really upset you,  you didn't like seeing her be poorly. The next bus home was in a half hour but we wouldnt have been able to make that one so had to catch the one after that, 90 min from then.  Once we packed up and headed towards the bus stop we had to stop on the way so I could feed Forrest.  Me and Elina were trying to keep you and Levana away from each other in hopes that whatever stomach bug she had wouldn't get passed on to us but that was pretty much impossible since you cant just leave her alone and even with both of you in your buggies you managed to come up with a game to play with her that involved grabbing each others hands and holding them super tight before letting go,  I'm not sure I understood the greatness of this game but it made both of you happy and you'd let out the biggest wonderful belly laughs.  

Once on the bus you immediately wanted to sit next to Elina again and you were all being so sweet together.  Elina is the best when it comes to singing nursery rhymes (she puts me to shame) and for our whole journey home, you,  her and Levana  had so much fun singing songs,  the way your face lit up turned my heart into mush. Once we arrived at their stop we said our goodbyes and then continued for one more stop until we were home. 

As soon as we walked through our door you asked if you could do kids yoga and of course I said yes! And while i was feeding Forrest I got to watch you doing all your yoga moves. It's been a bit tricky at times finding ways to keep both of you happy, Forrest hasn't been wanting to be put down which makes it harder for me to give my full attention to you but you've been so incredibly patient even though i know it makes you sad at times and when i can see this sadness in you it just breaks my heart! Before dinner you opened up a package that had arrived the previous day, it was your very first calendar! You've been asking about the days and months so we thought the best way to help you understand them would be to get this calendar and get you to change the dates and day everyday. Your face become one giant grin when you saw what it was, you were so excited!

Dinner, bath and bedtime seem to be the hardest part of our days at the moment! You had really wanted me to have a bath with you but Forrest was awake and wanted to be held so I couldn't join you and I hated the look of disappointment in your face. I was trying to get Forrest asleep so that you and I could have stories together without any interruptions and it started out really great, Forrest was asleep next to us but by the time we began our second story he woke up and was really sad so I needed to feed him while at the same time trying to finish our story time. I managed to get him to fall asleep again so that you could have a little bit of boob which you like to have before bed these days but just before you fell asleep he woke up and I had to leave you and tend to him. I apologised to you saying how sorry I was that I wasn't able to cuddle up and be with you whenever you wanted and that I knew how hard it must be for you and that it was hard for me too. Forrest has been having a very unsettled belly and has been in a lot of pain but I managed to finally get him to sleep by massaging his belly but by the time he was asleep you had also fallen asleep before I even had a chance to cuddle you! It really made me feel sad! It is so hard trying to be there for two people at the exact same time, but at least you were both sound asleep and I could finally relax for a moment.